No 4 Pickle Street
A hugely enjoyable read. One of this year's most resounding fictional forays." Jon Wilde
"Astute, amusing and touching," Time Out
"Domestic interiors are evoked in a style reminiscent of Dylan Thomas, and hilarious set-pieces enliven the pages of this accomplished first novel." The Sunday Times
"Dave Peak assumes (his character's) persona with extraordinary empathy." The Sunday Times
The Cotoneaster Factor
"The Cotoneaster Factor dives into the sewer of experience and comes up clutching pearls.
David Peak is edging ever closer to the brink of the extraordinary."
Blitz Magazine
Dave Peak manages eloquently and against the odds to make his character’s self-imposed dilemma a source of brave comedy.
Go Gentle
"...there is a lucidity and bravery about the prose and an emotional honesty about Jim's refusal to go gently which carries us with him on his final days."
Bernard O'Keeffe The Irish Times
Random Observations
'As someone who habitually seeks out the extraordinary within the ordinary, this gem delighted me. The authors have a wonderful talent for dialogue that feels so naturalistic, it's as though it's been overheard and recorded verbatim.' Read full review
Judy Darley: Sky Light Rain
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